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stur liquid iv nuun peloton bottle
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My Nuun vs Liquid IV vs Stur Review: Updated

When I first published this article, it was a straight out review of Nuun vs Liquid IV. However, then I learned about something called water enhancers. Specifically, I learned about one called Stur. So, I’ve modified this article to include all three products. Now, why was I interested, originally, in a hydration product like Nuun…

Money in jeans pocket with handwritten note FRUGALITY, latest trend In Work-Life Balance - accepting lower pay for less-demanding job - Living more frugally to leave stressful job.

11 Frugal Tips for Bartering, Discounts and Freebies

Being frugal doesn’t always have to mean you’re cheap. However, there’s nothing wrong when shopping to ask for the best price. Here are 11 ideas on how to haggle, get a discount when shopping or even get something for free. What is Frugality? When our family found ourselves needing to become suddenly frugal, it was…

Cheap and Free Food on National Food Days
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Cheap and Free Food on National Food Days

I had never heard of a food holiday with free food. That was until one year I wrote an article for a national magazine on National Coffee Day about coffee day freebies. As soon as it was published, my blog blew up. National Coffee Day is a free coffee day occurring each September. I knew…

easy anniversary gifts
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Places To Get Free Food or Drink on Your Anniversary

Looking to get free food or drink on your anniversary? I can help. There are local restaurants, cafes, or eateries that give you free food or drink on your wedding anniversary. It’s the same with some cash back apps, too. So, I’ve put together this list of national and large regional restaurant chains that will…

How to Define Frugal

How to Define Frugal

How do you define frugal? Now more than ever, people are looking to embrace the meaning of frugal. For the first time since the great recession of 2008, I find myself redefining my frugality, too. With inflation at an all-time high, it’s an important topic to discuss. Why redefine? Because when I first started this…