Search Results for: nordstrom

peloton barre classes

Peloton Barre Classes Review and What to Wear

Have you tried the Peloton barre classes yet? Have you asked yourself, “Does Peloton have barre classes?” What, you didn’t know that barre Peloton was a thing? Well, let me fill you in on everything you need to know about taking barre classes, including which Peloton instructors are teaching barre. In this blog post Iโ€™m…

new stores coming soon featured image

New Stores Coming Soon

I was so excited to vist the new Costco store in Maine on opening day. Maine has never had a Costco before. In fact, whenever visiting Maine, if you want to shop at Costco, you have to drive to Nashua, New Hampshire or Danvers, Massachusetts. Also, I was thrilled when Target finally opened in Maine….

worn out soles of my hoka running shoes
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How Long Do Running Shoes Last

I never stopped to think about how long running shoes last until I developed plantar fasciitis. Well, after developing plantar fasciitis, going to a podiatrist and then entering physical thereapy, that’s when I learned this important fact: running shoes, sneakers and, in fact, all shoes eventually wear out and need to be replaced. How long…

christine hair headband sweaty bands

Peloton Instructor Hair and Makeup

Have you ever wondered how a Peloton instructor’s hair and makeup stays perfect in a class? Youโ€™d think they get professional help before going in front of the camera, like newscasters or actors do. But that doesnโ€™t happen. On multiple occasions Iโ€™ve watched Peloton instructors demo on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok how they fix their…