Why did I create this page of printables? Well, I have discovered that so many of my blog readers love printables. Heck, I love them, too. Some of the printables here are free for you to download and print out. Others are ones I’ve created and are for sale on Etsy.
Printables on Etsy
I always thought of Etsy as a place to buy handmade items. But here’s the thing: when I launched my ecommerce business in 2015, I found my logo designer on Etsy. I should have realized then that creative people on Etsy were selling more than just handmade jewelry and home decor.
Peloton-inspired printables
So, I guess it’s no surprise that I’ve launched into the printable world, too. I was inspired to create printables after writing blog posts that dovetailed nicely with a printable.
Peloton workout printables
I’ve designed and created PDF printables for a weekly workout scheduled, inspired, of course, by my Peloton. It includes seven days of workout in three key areas–cardio, strength and stretch. When you print this out and keep it with you, it helps you stay accountable to your workouts.
You can read more about how I organize my Peloton workouts in this blog post.
Printable macros food tracker
Finally, I’ve designed and created a printable daily food tracker if you’re into tracking macros or macronutrient. This daily journal has all of your meals–breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It also has all of the macros that people track when doing a program like Stronger U or keto–fat, carbs and protein. On this daily food tracker that you can print out and write on, you’ll find the macros listed in the same order that you find them on food labels.
So, now that I’ve told you all about my printables that are for sale–for really cheap–on Etsy, here are links to them. There are seven printables in all that I’ve designed. You pay for them once and print them out forever.
Bra Cup Size Calculator Free Printable
I’ve also created a printable to help you figure out your bra size. Bra Cup Size Calculator. You can download it and print out for your personal use. I hope you find it helpful. I think this free printable about finding your bra size is really cute. This post on the top bras for big busts inspired me to make it.
College Dorm Move Out Checklist
My blog post about how to use a dorm packing checklist features just that–a checklist you can use to pack up your dorm room. As promised I said the checklist–actually, two pages of a checklist, would be available here on this Printables page. Use this link to download your free copy of the dorm checklist
Selling Your Home Printable
If you’re getting ready to sell your home, then you’ll be writing or working with your real estate agent to write your home listing advertisement. Therefore, you should know the words to use in a real estate listing and the words not to use. This is good advice, especially if you want to sell your home fast and for the most money.
Words to use in real estate listing free PDF printable
Human food for dogs
This blog post on human food for dogs covers food that is safe to feed your dog as well as food that is dangerous to feed your dog. I’ve made a free PDF printable for each, which you can download for free below.
Click here to download your free PDF printable list of dangerous human food for dogs
Click here to download your free printable PDF checklist of human food that is safe for dogs.