Outdoor Gear Companies with a Warranty
When it comes to outdoor gear companies and a product warranty, it used to be that Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean led the pack.
That was because Eddie Bauer offered a lifetime warranty or guarantee and a generous return policy. Same with L.L. Bean.
However, as I learned in my popular blog post on products with a lifetime guarantee, readers wrote in to say that Eddie Bauer customer service was no longer honoring that warranty.
This change also affected the Eddie Bauer return policy.
In addition, as a lifelong L.L. Bean customer, I learned firsthand when the company decided to do away with its lifetime guarantee.
It still offers a one-year guarantee, though.
![outdoor gear companies with warranties](https://www.leahingram.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/OUTDOOR-GEAR-COMPANIES-WITH-WARRANTY-1-683x1024.jpg)
Changes in Eddie Bauer warranty and L.L. Bean guarantees
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I can’t tell you how many readers end up at that blog post, inquiring about the Eddie Bauer lifetime warranty.
They were looking for information from an Eddie Bauer lifetime warranty review but came up short.
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Because Eddie Bauer used to offer a fantastic lifetime warranty.
This included a generous Eddie Bauer return policy, Eddie Bauer zipper repair and an overall product guarantee.
No more.
One of my readers recently posted this comment on the Real Sophisticated Consumer Facebook page about the Eddie Bauer guarantee policy:
“Eddie Bauer recently (and discreetly) got rid of their lifetime guarantee. I used the Wayback Machine to narrow it down to sometime between March 27, 2019 and May 30, 2019. That explains why I haven’t received refunds for some of my recent returns. Pretty shady, since I bought all my items when the guarantee was still in effect.”
If you’ve experienced something similar with the Eddie Bauer lifetime guarantee–or lack of an Eddie Bauer guarantee–please let me know.
In the meantime, there are plenty of brands listed in this article that offer items similar to Eddie Bauer and offer a legit lifetime warranty.
It might be time to change your brand allegiance.
Why a post on outdoor gear companies guarantee
It got me thinking: there has to be other outdoor gear companies like Eddie Bauer or L.L. Bean that stand behind their products with generous guarantees.
So I did some research and it turns out I was right.
In fact, I was able to put together a list 15 17 companies, brands or stores like Eddie Bauer or L.L. Bean–in the outdoor gear companies category–that do offer some sort of guarantee.
Some have a lifelong guarantee, others offer what’s called a limited lifetime warranty.
Still others offer a limited guarantee.
A few of these outdoor gear companies appear in my original article about products with a lifetime guarantee.
But overall, here’s what’s important: I was able to identify outdoor gear companies, stores or brands that offer some sort of guarantee.
This includes backpack brands with a lifetime warranty and socks with a lifetime guarantee.
Why a product guarantee or warranty is important
Also important: spending your hard-earned money with companies that will stand behind their products.
My whole reason for being as a blogger is identifying different ways you can get the most value and convenience in your life.
It’s important to me and I’ll be it’s important to you.
And there’s no better way to find the most value for your time and money than with companies that offer a warranty or guarantee.
Outdoor gear companies with a warranty
So what are the outdoor gear companies that offer a warranty?
Here is an alphabetical list of the ones I’ve found.
Then scroll down to learn more about each brand, how they fit into this article on guarantees at outdoor gear companies or outdoor products warranties.
Finally, I’ve included photographic examples from some of these brands selling outdoor products and that have a warranty
- Adidas
- Arc’teryx
- Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s
- Bombas Socks
- Canada Goose
- Carhartt
- Columbia Sportwear
- Darn Tough Socks
- Duluth Trading
- Feetures Socks
- Jansport
Lands’ End- L.L. Bean
- Marmot
- Orvis
- Osprey
- Patagonia
- The North Face
- Vortex Optics
As promised here is more information about each of these outdoor gear companies.
This includes where the products are sold, the kinds of products each brand sells and any additional details about their warranties.
This new gift guide includes some outdoor companies mentioned here.
I’m not sure I would consider Adidas an outdoor gear company. However, there is a logical reason that Adidas fits into this category.
Adidas makes backpacks and duffel bags that athletes use. Many athletes compete outdoors. Therefore, it makes sense to include this bag warranty in this article.
Adidas bag warranty
I’ll admit that the Adidas bag warranty was new to me. If someone hadn’t asked about it, I never would have researched it. But here’s the deal.
A third-party makes all of the Adidas bags. And that third party warrants the products it sells. Therefore, you have a five-year warranty or guarantee on Adidas bags and duffels. You can find more information on this page that explains the Adidas warranty.
Canadian company Arcโteryx specializes in technical high-performance apparel, outerwear and equipment. This is serious equipment. Arc’teryx says the following about its lifetime warranty:
“Arc’teryx is proud of the quality and performance of all our products. Items covered under our Limited Warranty will be replaced or repaired at the discretion of Arc’teryx for the practical product lifespan. Product damaged through wear and tear, misuse, or neglect may be repaired at a reasonable price.”
So if you’re looking, for example, for information about the Arcteryx jacket warranty, you should be good to go. Just keep in mind that the company reserves the right to offer a repair versus a replacement on any of its products.
You can buy Arc’teryx outdoor gear on REI.com.
Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s
Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s, one of the most popular outdoor gear companies in the United States, happen to be owned by the same company. Not surprisingly both stores offers a generous return policy:
“If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your order, simply contact customer service for instructions on how to return your order for a full refund. If and when you are ready to place another order, we will be happy to serve you again.”
So, if youโre in need of some new gear or just a few camping essentials, BassProShops is the place to shop. Founded in 1972,BassProShopsโฏis North Americaโs premier outdoor and conservation company.โฏThey provideโฏunrivaled products, dynamic locations, and excellent customer service. Also, Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s are dog-friendly stores!
Finally, check out these awesome camping gift ideas.
Bombas Socks
This is one of three brands in this article that are socks with a lifetime guarantee. Bombas, maker of performance socks for a variety of outdoor activities, wants your 100% satisfaction with their socks.
Here are tips to avoid Bombas dupes.
So, its lifetime guarantee is pretty generous. Also, generous–this coupon code: use code BOMBAS20 for 20% off your first purchase.
Canada Goose
With Canada Goose jackets, these fall under what is called a “limited lifetime warranty.” That is, the lifetime warranty is limited in that it does not include normal wear and tear.
Carhartt is a premium work-wear brand with a rich heritage of developing rugged apparel for workers on and off the job. If you’ve ever worn a barn jacket, chances are it was a Carhartt jacket or Carhartt coat.
The company says they will not cover normal wear and tear on their clothing. However, plenty of people have reported that they have an unofficial lifetime warranty or Carhartt warrantyUSA.
Carhartt lifetime warranty
So, does Carhartt have a lifetime warranty? Well, yes and no.
This includes a Carhartt zipper repair or warranty or replacement, a Carhartt jeans warranty or a Carhartt pants warranty. In addition, you might consider this to be a Carhartt jacket warranty or a Carhartt coat warranty as well as a Carhartt boot warranty policy.
In short, I’m guessing it’s one of the reasons that those who work in construction, agriculture or just spend a lot of time outdoors swear by Carhartt and are lifelong customers.
FYI, you can buy Carhartt products at Nordstrom and also at Dicks Sporting Goods.
Columbia Sportswear
Here is how Columbia Sportswear describes their limited lifetime warranty for outdoor gear:
This Limited Lifetime Warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship for the practical lifetime of Columbia Sportswear brand products manufactured by Columbia Sportswear or its affiliates…This Limited Lifetime Warranty lasts for the practical life of the product.
It appears that the lifetime warranty for other, non-outdoor products may be a bit more lenient.
Dick’s Sporting Goods Holiday Deals
Many of the outdoor brands that have a lifetime guarantee are part of the Dick’s Sporting Goods holiday deals.
This includes up to 30% off on Patagonia, The North Face, Columbia and more.
Finally, don’t forget to check out deals at Going, Going, Gone stores, the Dick’s outlet.
Darn Tough Socks
When it comes to the Darn Tough Socks warranty, here’s what Darn Tough Socks says: “Unconditionally guaranteed for life.” So if you’re looking for socks with a lifetime guarantee, Darn Tough Socks definitely fits the bill.
Note: if you happen to buy Darn Tough Socks from anyone other than the Darn Tough Socks store or one of their authorized resellers, like Backcountry.com, your guarantee is null and void. So, shop smart!
Duluth Trading Company
My husband is a huge fan of Duluth Trading Company clothing. Truth is, so am I.
Not only do we love their clothing–he favors their Firehose Pants–but we love their car seat covers. We are, after all, crazy dog people.
We take our pups everywhere. So, in order to avoid vacuuming out the backseat after every trip, we’ve invested in car seat covers. Or, as Duluth calls them, car seat savers.
Duluth No Bull Guarantee
Yes, even Duluth car seat covers are covered by the Duluth “No Bull Guarantee.” Here’s how the company describes that warranty:
“We stand by the craftsmanship and durability of our products. If you are not satisfied with any item you purchase from Duluth Trading, return it for a refund within one year. After one year, we will also consider returns for items that are defective or donโt perform as designed. No Bull means if something goes wrong, we will always treat you right.”
Feetures Socks
Here is another brand of socks with a lifetime warranty. That is, Feetures performance socks are designed to provide durability and style for all day comfort in all activities.
Feetures socks, well, feature targeted compression, that lifts and supports the arch, along with moisture wicking synthetic and merino fibers plus a seamless toe. Yeah! You’ll never need to wear your socks inside out again!
Jansport makes backpacks, luggage piece, laptop bags and other packs that help you tote things from one place to another. I first heard about the Jansport gurantee when I was writing an article for Woman’s Day on back-to-school savings.
At that time I’d interviewed parents whose children had had Jansport backpacks with zippers that broke. The parents had inquired about the Jansport backpack repair as part of the Jansport return process, but instead Jansport replaced the packs for free.
Interestingly, my first experience taking advantage of Jansport’s lifetime guarantee also involved a backpack’s broken zipper. Rather than fix the busted zipper on our Jansport bag, Jansport just sent us a whole new bag. Wow.
Jansport is available in Canada
Also good news: there is a Jansport Canada warranty. So customers living in Canada can take advantage of the Jansport warranty as well.
Finally, if you’re looking for backpack brands with lifetime warranty orbags with lifetime warranty, I’d say Jansport checks all of the boxes!
Lands’ End Lifetime Warranty is No More
Lands’ End has ended its lifetime warranty program.
Here’s a short list on what Lands’ End makes and sells: clothing for men, women, children; swimwear; outerwear; shoes; school uniforms; products for the home; luggage; backpacks and more. So, does Lands End have a lifetime warranty? Yes, it does.
This means there is a Lands End coat warranty as well as a guarantee for everything else Lands End sells. This includes a Lands End zipper repair service under their warranty or guarantee and a Lands End backpack warranty. However, when it comes to these repair services, it could end up as a Lands End replacement policy. That is, rather than fix or repair your item, Lands End may just out and out replace it.
These days you can find Lands’ End products over on Amazon. That’s super convenient. And it doesn’t matter from which retailer you buy your Lands End gear. The Lands End lifetime warranty or Lands End lifetime guarantee applies nonetheless. I love how its Lands End guaranteed for life.
As far as the Lands End customer service and the guarantee go, it’s pretty simple.
“Lands’ End’s return policy:Guaranteed. Period.ยฎ If you’re not satisfied with any item, simply return it to us at any time. Even for items that have been personalized with monogramming or hemming.”
In conclusion, the Lands End return policy and Lands End warranty policy are pretty spectacular. And I haven’t heard anything about the Lands End return policy changing anytime soon.
Here’s what Marmot has to say about its lifetime guarantee: “We warrant every product we make to be free of manufacturer defects.”
So if you’re looking for a Marmot rain jacket warranty or a Marmot sleeping bag warranty, the company has you covered. Plus, the Marmot jackets all look so warm, don’t they?
FYI, you can shop all the Marmot categories on Backcountry.com.
I know Orvis as one of the great companies for people who like to fish. In fact, if you were searching for lifetime warranty waders, you likely ended up learning about Orvis.
Orvis calls its warranty the “Great Catch Guarantee.” It pretty much stands behind everything it sells. You can find a variety of Orvis fishing reels on Amazon. However, if you’re looking for great outdoor clothing and accessories from Orvis, you should check out Orvis.com.
Here is the wording of the Osprey lifetime warranty aka the All Might Guarantee:
“Osprey will repair any damage or defect for any reason free of charge–whether it was purchased in 1974 or yesterday.”
Right now you can save 30% on Osprey products on Osprey.com
With a name like Patagonia–that is, Patagonia is an area in South America that’s part of the Andes mountains–it’s not surprising that the brand ends up on this list of outdoor gear companies with a guarantee. So how does it work with Patagonia?
First, the company calls its warranty an “ironclad guarantee.” Next, it says this:
“We guarantee everything we make. If you are not satisfied with one of our products at the time you receive it, or if one of our products does not perform to your satisfaction, return it to the store you bought it from or to Patagonia for a repair, replacement or refund.”
Finally, it says, “Damage due to wear and tear will be repaired at a reasonable charge.”
Where you can buy Patagonia products
You can buy Patagonia products at Nordstrom, which I’ve linked to here.
While I would never put Nordstrom in the outdoor gear companies category, I would put it in the category of a store with some of the best customer service.
However, Patagonia has its own website, too. Here is a link to it.
The North Face
Our family have been fans of The North Face for years. When my daughters were teens, it was the must-have brand for hoodies.
Since then I’ve invested in a three-quarter length, down-filled The North Face winter jacket. It’s so warm.
Sure, it was pricey, but I’m ok with spending a bit more my North Face jacket–and everything else the brand sells–comes with a lifetime guarantee.
Vortex Optics
Vortex Optics specializes in binoculars and other optics products. Here is how Vortex explains its warranty:
โVIP stands for a Very Important Promise to you, our customer. We will repair or replace your Vortexยฎ product in the event it becomes damaged or defectiveโat no charge to you. If we cannot repair your product, we will replace it with a product in perfect working order of equal or better physical condition.โ
Here are 32 brands with lifetime guarantees on Amazon.
More about outdoor gear companies like Eddie Bauer
I’ve gathered, in the photo gallery below, some of the best stores like Eddie Bauer. I think it’s important to change your allegience from Eddie Bauer to another brand, if standing behind products or offering a lifetime warranty or guarantee is important to you.
Note: some of the brands in this photo gallery are mentioned again in the rest of this article.
This article explains the returns policies at many of the retailers mentioned in this article.
Final thoughts on outdoor companies with a lifetime warranty
Have I missed any brands you were hoping to see in this list of outdoor companies with a lifetime guarantee? If so, post a comment and let me know.
Great article. Very well written about what “lifetime warranty” really means.
I know a lot of people were quite upset when LL Bean got rid of their truly lifetime guarantee (and the same with Eddie Bauer).
The dirty little secret as to why this was done, and one I found out from a person who works at the corporate office of an outdoor company is this: Way too many people were simply buying their used products for cheap on Ebay/FB marketplace/etc. and then returning it for a merchandise credit. The stores, in almost every case, didn’t carry the product anymore and they were told to just use a similar item for the merch credit.
Also something to keep in mind with the 1 year policy…a lot of stores (REI being a big one for this) will just sell that clothing/gear as a used product.