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Best Wide Width Sneakers and Shoes for Working Out

One of the challenges of having extra wide feet is finding the best wide width sneakers and shoes for different occasions. For starters there are everyday shoes, which I canโ€™t always find extra wide.

Then, there are wide cycling shoes. Finally, there are wide width sneakers or shoes for working out.

This latter category has become a real challenge, ever since my feet went from a single width wide (before I had children) to extra wide now. Do you know how hard it is to find womenโ€™s sneakers in an extra wide width?

This article can help you locate wide shoes for kids.

Why write about the best wide width sneakers and shoes

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Iโ€™ve written before about the best wide width womenโ€™s shoes, which you can read here. But, one of the reasons Iโ€™ve decided to write about wide width sneakers and shoes for men and women is I realize there is a real need for good information for finding wide footwear.

Since getting my Peloton bike in 2016, Iโ€™ve become more active overall. In 2021 I decided to add Peloton strength training to my regimen. Iโ€™m following the Hardcore on the Floor calendar.

Not surprisingly one of the topics that comes up often in that group is where to find the best wide width athletic, gym or weightlifting shoes. At first I didnโ€™t realize that there was a category of shoes just for weightlifting. I mean, I just wear my sneakers (or no shoes at all) when I do strength or bootcamp classes off the bike.

What are weightlifting shoes

Then I did some digging and discovered that weightlifting shoes are in a category all by themselves. They look a lot like volleyball shoes. You know, flatter shoes without much of a sole. I guess you could say basketball shoes look like this, too.

Anyway, weightlifting shoes are often marketed as cross training shoes or gym shoes. I guess tennis shoes or tennis sneakers could also work, given what the bottoms of those look like.

Sneakers vs tennis shoes: find out about regional terms, saying and slang.

Regardless of what theyโ€™re called, itโ€™s a good idea not to do strength work barefoot, as Iโ€™m quickly learning. This is especially true if you have high arches like I do.ย 

Why people with high arches need to wear shoes

Why? Because when youโ€™re walking around or working out without footwear on, youโ€™re not doing anything to support your high arches. People with high arches tend to โ€œsupinateโ€ when they step. That means they roll their feet outward to take pressure off their arches.ย 

Supination can lead to problems with your Achilles tendon, plantar fasciitis and ankle issues. Therefore, itโ€™s a good idea to find shoes you can wear for all occasions in your exercise routine.

Extra room in toe box of wide width sneakers

Besides having high arches and a wide foot, I have a wide toe box. That means that my foot is its widest in my toe area. Therefore, I always need shoes that have a wide toe box.

In addition, I have narrow heel and ankle. This makes it especially challenging to find wide width sneakers. Why? Because many manufacturers donโ€™t realize that just because youโ€™re giving extra room in the toe box for a wide forefoot doesnโ€™t mean the heel has to be extra wide.

So, when shopping for wide width sneakers, there are three things I always look for. One, extra room in the toe box. I try to โ€œcrossโ€ my toes inside the shoes. If I can do that, I know the shoe is wide enough for me.

Two, no pressure on the bottom of my foot. Iโ€™ve learned that if I feel the bottom of my forefoot being squeezed, it means the shoe isnโ€™t wide enough.

Three, lacing that goes up almost to my ankle. That is, there is a hole for the shoe laces that goes up almost to the top of the tongue.

By threading the shoelace through this top hole, I can pull my sneakers tighter around my ankle, thus giving me more support. This is super helpful if I find that aforementioned wider heel area in a sneaker or shoe.ย 

Wide width sneakers and shoes for men and women

My family is quite familiar with the quest that is finding wide width sneakers for working out. My husband has quadruple wide feet. I have double wide feet. And our poor daughters have inherited the wide feet, too. At least theirs are only single wide at this point.

Obviously, I have a lot of personal experience with finding shoes and sneakers in wide and extra wide width. Thatโ€™s one of the reasons I wrote this blog post.

Below, Iโ€™ve put together recommendations for sneakers and workout shoes in wide widths and extra wide widths for all kinds of activities. This includes walking, running, weightlifting, cycling and more. If Iโ€™ve missed any category, let me know.

One of my favorite places to buy wide width shoes is Zappos.

If you ever have any questions about shopping on Zappos โ€” their return policy, their free shipping, etc. โ€” let me know.

Finally, whenever Zappos has any coupon codes to offer, Iโ€™ll post them here.

Wide width running shoes

We have a joke in our family that we only run when chased. Ha ha. However, that doesnโ€™t mean that we donโ€™t like wear running shoes. We do.

I find that running sneakers often come wider than shoes made for other kinds of sports. Therefore, youโ€™ll definitely find them in our closet.

For example, my husband swears by New Balance sneakers. Theyโ€™re the only ones he can find in quadruple wide widths.ย  You can also find New Balance wide width sneakers for men on Amazon.

Amazingly, on Zappos you can find quadruple wide width running shoes from New Balance for women, too. I had no idea that Zappos stocked running sneakers in such a wide width.ย 

Unfortunately, though, when you get to these wider widths, you have fewer color choices. However, when youโ€™ve looking for good wide width sneakers, comfort should come first. If you can get in fashion, too, well, then, thatโ€™s a bonus.

Here is my review of Hoka sneakers.

Brooks wide width shoes

A few years ago my daughter Annie, also of the wide foot, and I visited a local running store. We both needed wide width sneakers for working out. This was the first time either of us were fitted for Brooks sneakers.

Well, let me tell you: Brooks wide width shoes for women are amazing for running, exercising and everyday walking. Annie was able to get Brooks wides in womenโ€™s sizes.

Me? I had to go with menโ€™s Brooks wide width shoes because they were ever so slightly wider than the womenโ€™s sneakers.

Since then, unfortunately, Brooks stopped making the style that I like the best. It has a wide toe box and excellent arch support. It is the Levitate style. The only place I can find them now is on Amazon.

Below, youโ€™ll find a wide range of wide width running and athletic shoes from Brooks.

Wide width walking sneakers

Let me confess to you that I actually wear my Brooks running sneakers for my everyday walking. Iโ€™ve never been one to invest in so-called walking sneakers. But thatโ€™s just me.

Maybe youโ€™re looking for wide width walking sneakers because you have a walking vacation coming up. I get itโ€“you want shoes for that. Or maybe youโ€™re just a big walker and running sneakers donโ€™t do it for you.ย 

No worries. Iโ€™ve got your wide feet covered with this selection of wide width sneakers you can wear for walking.

Wide width weightlifting shoes

Iโ€™d never considered buying wide width weightlifting shoes until the topic came up in a Peloton-related Facebook group. These are people who are following a lot of Peloton strength classes via the Hardcore on the Floor calendar. (You can read more about that group in this blog post about Peloton strength classes.)

During that discussion I learned about brands of shoes that were new to me as well as styles of common shoes that seemed to run wider than expected.

Brands for wide weightlifting shoes

For example, the group mentioned the Altra Footwear brand shoe, which you can buy on Zappos. Also, No Bull shoes. These are wide width sneakers Iโ€™ve never heard about before.

In addition, there were certain styles from well-known brands, not known for wide sneakers, that they recommended. For instance, many people said Nike Metcon shoes were worth checking out. Same with Reebok Nano sneakers.

Finally, when looking for these wide width sneakers for weightlifting, you should also consider shoes called crosstraining. Basically, what youโ€™re looking for are flatter shoes with thinner soles.

Well, after ordering all of the brands mentioned above, trying them on and trying them out, drumroll, please, here was the winner for my wide width feet: Ryka Womenโ€™s Influence Cross Trainer. I found them for a great price on Amazon.

Wide width cycling shoes

Over on my blog post about Peloton bike shoes, which I mentioned above, I talk about finding cycling shoes in wide widths. This is a real challenge for Peloton users like me. There are very few bike shoe brands that offer shoes in a true wide width and that take the Delta Look cleat.

For example, the only brand Iโ€™ve been able to find for my double wide feet is Bontrager. Again, Bontrager cycling shoes take the Delta Look cleat that fits the original Peloton bike pedals.

You can find other wide options if you ride a bike that takes SPD bike cleats. Itโ€™s one of the reasons many Peloton users swap out their pedals to be SPD compatible. That way, they can use cycling shoes they might wear with their outdoor bikes with their Peloton, too.

Note: if you remove the original Peloton pedals, you could void your warranty. So keep that in mind. Here is my article about the Peloton warranty.

U.S. Shoe Size Conversion Calculator

*Note: This is just an approximation based on average shoe sizes. Some brands run bigger or smaller.

Need help converting womenโ€™s sizes to another kind of shoe? This calculator can help you do that.

More about how I created this US shoes size converting calculator here.

Final thoughts on wide width sneakers and shoes

I hope that this blog post has provided options for you in your search for sneakers and athletic shoes in wider width. If you feel that Iโ€™ve missed anything or you have brands to recommend, please post a comment and let me know.


  1. Excellent info. Iโ€™ve been having issues buying sneakers as Iโ€™ve been suffering with swollen feet. I too loved the Levitate but itโ€™s so limited now. Thanks !

  2. Any suggestions for extra wide shoes for professional business wear? Need styles for a polished look with to wear with dress trousers and dresses.
    -Lauren H.

  3. I started wearing Altra sneakers about a year ago. I will never go back to another brand. Even their hiking boot!! The wide toe box changed everything.

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