How to Get Your Peloton Bike Motivation Back

If you’ve had your indoor cycle for a while, you may be looking at ways to get your Peloton bike motivation back.

Trust me.

I understand. 

I’ve had my bike since 2016.

Like so many people, I became addicted to the bike when it first arrived.

Then, like most new and shiny things, the shine started to wear off.

I’m not talking to the point where I started using my Peloton as a clothes storage device.


I have consistently been using my bike since 2016.

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But the excitement of getting on the bike and trying new classes just wasn’t there.

Why you might lose your Peloton bike motivation

There are a couple of reasons you might find yourself no longer motivated to use your Peloton bike.

One, you may have come out too quick, too fast.

So, for example, you may have found that your backside was hurting and you gave up.

For issues of bum discomfort, I’ll point you to my blog post on how to make the Peloton seat more comfortable. 

Two, you find it challenging to organize your time, including time to exercise. I get this. 

When life gets busy, it is hard to carve out time for a workout.

That is especially challenging if you don’t have a plan. 

Three, looking at the Peloton schedule can feel overwhelming.

These days, there are so many choices of classes to take on and off the bike.

From Pilates to Power Zone, you may find yourself with analysis paralysis or decision fatigue.

And, rather than figuring out which class to take, you may just decide to call the whole thing off and not exercise at all.

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How to get your Peloton bike motivation back

You spent a lot of money investing in a Peloton.

I want you to learn to love it again.

Besides, you know that exercise is good for you.

So, how can you get your Peloton bike motivation back?

I’ve come up with a handful of easy suggestions so you won’t get bored with your Peloton.

I hope you’ll feel motivated to start using the bike or the app again on a regular basis.

Note: some of the suggestions I’ll make in this article include Facebook groups you may want to join.

I’ve included links to those groups at the bottom of this post.

Start a Peloton bike program for a push

You can find plenty of Peloton challenges on the Peloton app or on the bike to give your motivation a boost.

At the same time, you can also find programs. Peloton continues to add these programs for you to follow on and off the bike.

For instance, with the aforementioned Power Zone training, there are a number of Power Zone programs you can start.

Other Peloton programs to push you include (but are not limited to):

  • Beginner Strength
  • Total Strength with Andy Speer
  • Beginner Yoga
  • The Power of Sleep
  • Crush Your Core with Emma

This article explains Peloton programs.

Find a Peloton Facebook group for motivation

As I mentioned, if you join a Power Zone challenge on the Peloton bike, you’ll get assigned a Facebook group for your team.

These groups are temporary during the challenge.

However, if you stick with the same team, you’ll get to hang out with the same people time after time.

Another way to find Peloton Facebook groups for motivation is to join those affiliated (officially or not) with your favorite instructors.

You can find lots of encouragement this way through your mutual interest in riding or working out with these favored instructors.

Instructor-inspired Facebook groups

For example, I’m in a few instructor affinity Facebook groups.

This includes one for Denis Morton, called Denis’s Menaces, and another for Christine D’Ercole, called the CDE Project. 

Each group often has rides or classes that people take together on a regular basis.

For instance, I started to regularly practice yoga with Denis Morton thanks to the Menaces.

One member of the group is religious about posting when Denis has live yoga flow classes.

This gave me a reason to set aside time each Sunday morning at 11 a.m. to do yoga. 

Another example are the Saturday 60 rides with Christine and CDE Project group.

This past year the organizers have been trying to work through all of Christine’s 60-minute rides before the next Peloton purge of classes.

So, each Saturday I know I can find a group of people all taking a 60-minute class together. 

Fitness and Peloton bike Facebook groups

In my blog post about Peloton strength classes, I’d mentioned the newest Peloton Facebook group I’d joined.

It’s called Hardcore on the Floor.

Each month the organizers put out a hardcore calendar of strength workouts.

There are two to three classes each day in a variety of strength disciplines.

The hardcore calendar

This hardcore calendar also includes Peloton bike pairings if you want to get your cardio that way.

There are class suggestions–usually no longer than 30-minute rides–as well as ways to work the calendar if you happen to be participating in a Power Zone challenge. 

While the hardcore calendar really helps take decision fatigue out of my day, here’s what’s really motivating.

People in this Facebook group consistently post progress pictures.

It’s amazing to see the results many are able to achieve in a short amount of time, just by concentrating on strength training.

Here is my review of Hardcore on the Floor.

Tunde Arm Challenge

The Tunde Arm Challenge is, technically, Tone Those Arms with Tunde.

The idea is you do the same Tunde Arms and Lightweights class three times a week for at least a month.

The full challenge runs three months, I think.

But the results I’m seeing from this Tunde Arm Challenge are so motivating!

Arms with Tunde Before and After

An incentive to stack classes on your Peloton bike

Stacking Peloton classes is a game changer.

You can plan which classes you’re going to take and “save” that day’s workout.

Then, once you boot up the app or get on your bike, your stack is there.

There is no question what class you’re going to take that day because you’ve already planned it out.

I love this option.

Since joining Hardcore on the Floor, I’ve gotten into the daily habit of stacking classes from their calendar.

What’s great is the calendar, a downloadable PDF, includes links to each class for the day.

So, when you click on those links, it takes you right to the Peloton website.

From there you can start stacking your classes for the day. 

Below is a video I made that explains how to stack classes.

Here’s a blog post that explains the Peloton class schedule.

Find motivation with a Peloton workout calendar

While the Hardcore on the Floor calendar is all the motivation I need, it might not be right for you.

So, if you want to create your own Peloton bike workout calendar for motivation, here’s one that I’ve created and sell on Etsy. It’s just $2.99. 

Peloton Inspired Workout Calendar

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Workout calendar

I made it after I was having a hard time getting motivated to stay on track with my Peloton workouts, on and off the bike.

The calendar includes cardio, strength and stretching.

That, to me, is a well-rounded workout. 

You can read more here about how the calendar works.

Decorate your Peloton space with motivational quotes

When people share pictures of their Peloton workout spaces on Facebook, I always notice the motivational quotes that they have hanging on the walls.

These could be framed prints or decals that they’ve put on the walls.

I have a framed print that says “You can do anything for 30 seconds” near my bike.

The idea is simple: if you put motivational sayings or instructor catchphrases near where you workout, then when you need a push, you just have to glance up.

You’ll hear those words in your head and get the kick in the pants you need to soldier on. 

You can find a ton of Peloton instructor sayings, mottos and motivational quotes on Etsy. I’ve shared some below. 

Peloton bike Facebook groups to join for motivation

As promised at the beginning of this post, here is a list of links to the Peloton bike-related Facebook groups I’ve mentioned.

These are my favorite Peloton Facebook groups.

If you end up joining any of the ones I’m in, tag me when you get there. 

Power Zone Pack

Hardcore on the Floor

Denis’s Menaces

The CDE Project–Christine D’Ercole

If I’ve missed any Facebook groups that you’ve found motivating for your Peloton bike or other Peloton classes, please post a comment and let me know. I’d love to check them out.